Viking update 2
The Ansco Viking that is travelling around the world has completed its first stop. It was rough stop for the camera and my friend Mike Kovacs. I was not aware just how poor the bellows were on the old beast, but they had quite a few light leaks. I ended up buying a second camera and sending it to Mike so that he could use it instead. The only problem was that the second had a problem with the film plate and would not hold the film flat. Mike did heroic work and did a bellows transplant from the second camera to the first. I shudder to think what I would have done without Mike to kick things off right. These are the first pics the camera produced after having a bit of servicing. These are a few of Mike's series done with the camera. For more photos and pics of the camera, please got to The camera is now in the hands of the third participant up in the snowy white north. Please click on pics to see larger images, you will not be disappointed.
Mike, that's good news -- it means it won't be long before it reaches me in Newfoundland. If it's here before May we'll probably still have lots of snow around. - Philip from nelsonfoto
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