TIME Camera
No it is not a Mamiya 7, even though I would gladly take one of those if someone wanted to donate one to me, but this is my other dream camera. I found this in the same shop as I found the other two plastic cameras. This one cost me all of two dollars and I would have gladly paid more for it, like $2.50. It is the beautiful and fully functional camera from TIME magazine that came free with your paid subscription. Shown here with a flash added for effect.
As a young man, I was almost swayed time and again to subscribe to TIME simply to get this fine piece of machinery. It sports one shutter speed, four different aperatures 6, 8, 11, 16 with corresponding pictures of lighting conditions to guide your choices (kind of the sunny-16 rule for dummies), a fixed focus 50mm that has the appropriate amount on vignetting and a very cool logo--TIME. This came with a broken door latch but that was quickly remedied with some black electricians tape. I rolled some ultrafine film and set out to test out the beast. The first thing I noticed was just how light the camera was. Being made of cheap plastic, it doesn't weigh too much so won't slow you down, or give neck pains from an overly heavy camera on a thin strap like those more expensive solidly built cameras one is prone to buying. I guessed on the lighting and overexposed a bit in the process. I need to learn that the cloud symbol is for lower light than I thought. I also took a couple of pics using the flash to try it out, but didn't know exactly what aperature setting to use. The lowest one is apparently the correct one and happens to be the setting that I didn't choose. The photos were cropped a bit and otherwise were left as-is after scanning.
I love the textures of wood in all its forms, including the bark.
Different bark. I just love the whites and black spots of the Birch trees.
Watch out for flair.
Spring Sculpture
Example using Flash in the middle of the night--I need to spend some more time with this beauty to understand the intricacies of the camera.
Actually, I was pleasantly surprised by this camera and liked the Olga like effect of the softness of the edges of the photographs. I really do like the memories the camera drags up and have had a great time playing with the camera. That is what photography is all about for me, having fun and continuing to learn.
can you offer any advice or tell me where to buy instructions on how to use it? mine might have a small glitch in the pick up of the film and it takes okay pictures but sounds rough. im just waiting for it to break. :-(
thanks. i cant find anybody else with this camera
I would like to know where to find the instruction manual as well as the flash or anything else that would go with the camera. Found one today for $1 at a yard sale and my son decided that was what he wanted.
I have a budding photographer on my hands and need to get as much info on this camera as possible. I would be grateful for any information. Thanks!
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